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Kamis, 25 November 2010

Arti Bunga

 • Acacia = pure love, elegance, friendship, hope
• Acanthus = expertise
• Achillea millefolia = war
• aconite (Wolf's Bane) = hatred against a person
• Acorn (oak acorns) = Nordic symbol of life and immortality
• Agapanthus (Lily of the Nile) = Love Letter
• agnus castus = cool, negligent
• allspice (spices) = compassion
• Almond Blossom (flower almonds) = hope, charm lovers
• Aloe (Aloe vera) = sorrow, the ideals
• Alstroemeria (Peruvian lily) = loyalty, persabatan
• Alyssum = precious beauty
• Ambrosia (food of the gods greek) = CLBK (old love blossomed again); P
• Amaranth = loyalty
• Amaranth, Globe = irreplaceable, love is eternal and irreplaceable
• Amaryllis = pride, shy, and satisfying beauty
• Anemone = love that does not fade, truth, sincerity, anticipation, surrender, hope is fading
• Angelica = inspiration
• Aniseed = young again
• Apple blossom = luck, choice
• Arbor Vi = true friendship
• Arbutus = "YOU will kucin"
• Artemisia = dignity / glory
• Asphodel = "sorry you till the end"
• Aster = love, neatness / fineness
• Azalea = be careful for my sake, who easily loose spirit, simplicity in nature, a symbol of Chinese womanhood.

• Bachelor's Buttons (corn flower) = single, expecting love, the beauty of life for people singles
• Baby's Breath = holy in heart, endless love, happiness
• Basil = best wishes, love, hate
• Bay Leaf (Daun salam) = power, "I changed, but in death"
• Bear's Breeches = art artistic
• Begonia = alert
• Betony = surprise
• Bells Of Ireland = "good luck"
• Bilberry = treason
• Bird Of Paradise = nobleness / glory
• Bittersweet = truth (the meaning of the name of the flower itself is love & sorrow)
• Bluebell = humility, persistence
• borage = courage / bravery, bluntness (?)
• Bouquet of Withered Flowers = love denied
• Broom = humility, austerity
• Bulrush = carelessness, kejianakan
• Burnet = a happy heart
• Buttercup = Childish

• Cactus = durability, warmth, grandeur
• calendula = joy
• Calla = beauty beautiful
• Camellia = reverence, perfection, beauty, awards 'good luck' for men
• Camellia (Pink) = longing for you
• Camellia (Red) = ye burning in my heart
• Camellia (White) = ye sweet
• Camomile = spirit in time of trouble
• Candytuft = negligent
• Carnation (in general) = bond of affection, health and energy, charm, "kasihannya poor heart!?"
• Carnation (pink) = "I will not forget you"
• Carnation (purple) = lack of disorder, acting, changing
• Carnation (red) = admiration, "hurt my heart for you!"
• Carnation (solid color) = yes!
• Carnation (striped) = rejection, "sorry, I can not be with you, I hope I can be with you"
• Carnation (white) = sweet and lovely, innocent, pure love, a gift "good luck" to women
• Carnation (yellow) = "You've disappointed me", rejection, humiliation
• Catl = peace, prosperity
• Cedar = I live for you, think of
• Celandine = happiness that will come
• Chamomile = patience
• Chysanthemum (in general) = joy, "you are wonderful friends"
• Chysanthemum (red) = "I love"
• Chysanthemum (white) = truth
• Chysanthemum (yellow) = love is ignored
• Cinnamon = "lucky yours"
• Clover (four-leaf) = "good luck", "Be mine"
• Columbine = stupidity
• Core
iopss = always happy
• Corn = wealth
• Cornflower = delicacy / fineness, civilized manners
• Coriander = lust
• Cowslip = concern, mercy victory
• Coxcomb = pride
• Crocus = happiness, betrayed / hurt
• Crown Imperial = greatness, strength
• cyclamen = resignation and "goodbye", shy
D• daffodils = honor, unrequited love, lies• Dahlia = good taste, instability• Daisy = innocent, purity, strength, portion, temperance, fidelity in love

• Dandelion = Fulfilled desire, loyalty, a simple prediction• Daphne odora = lily painting• Delphinium = not sungguh-sungguh/dibuat-buatE
• Edelweiss = noble courage• Eglantine = poetry, "I'm hurting to heal"• Elder = enthusiastic• Elm = dignity• Eucalyptus = protection• Eupatorium = cancel / delay

• Fennel = kekuatan, balasan atas segala doa
• Fern = ketulusan
• Fern (Magic) = dayatarik, percaya diri, perlindungan

• Fern (Maidenhair) = rahasia ikatan cinta
• Feverfew = perlindungan
• Fig = argumen
• Fir = waktu
• Flax = lambang rumah tangga, “aku merasakan kebaikanmu”, takdir
• Forget-me-not = cinta murni, kenangan, “jangan lupakan aku”
• Forsythia = antisipasi

• Foxglove = ketidak tulusan hati
• Fuchsia = selera yang bagus
• Fuller’s Teasel = kebencian terhadap seseorang

G• Gardenia = "you're beautiful", secret love, civilized, happiness• Garland of roses = return for kindness• Garlic = strength, valor• Geranium (Oak leafed) = friendship• Geranium (Rose) = choice• Geranium (Scented) = choice, stupidity, melancholy• Gillyflower = bond of affection• Gladiolus = love at first sight, has anyone have, the strength of character, generosity• Gloxinia = love at first sight• Golden Rod = prevention, careful
• Grass = submission, usability• Guelder Rose = winter, age

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